3940 E. Gilman Street, Long Beach, CA 90815



Bunions are very common, with about 3 million new cases being diagnosed each year, but they are painful and require medical attention. Bunions are deformities of the bone that result from an enlarged joint on the side and the base of the big toe. When the toe moves out of place, bunions form. The enlargement causes friction, which results in pressure as the foot rubs against your footwear. 


When left untreated, the big toe’s movement causes it to angle in toward the other toes which can cause it to overlap a third toe. At that point, the growing enlargement leads to more irritation and inflammation. Other toe deformities can also result from worsening bunions. The leading cause of bunions is wearing shoes that are too tight.


Bunions cannot heal themselves because they are bone deformities. Bunion treatment involves relieving the pressure and the pain caused by irritations and by stopping the enlargement of the growth. Several different methods can be used to treat bunions. Examples of successful options include orthotic devices, protective padding, callus and corn removal, exercises and nighttime splints. 


If you are suffering from bunions, call us to schedule a consultation. We will assess your problem and come up with an effective treatment plan that will improve your mobility and relieve the discomfort.