3940 E. Gilman Street, Long Beach, CA 90815

Toenail Fungus


Fungal nails are aggressive and can be more difficult to treat than Athlete’s Foot. Because of the resistance, they may require treatment with oral or topical anti fungal medications. If the treatment options don’t work, permanent nail removal may become necessary. Keeping the fungus under control iwill keep a fungal infection of the skin from causing the nail to become reinfected.


Never share nail clippers, nail files, socks or shoes with others. Wear dry cotton socks and change them during the day if it becomes necessary. Trauma can cause infections, so don’t injure your nail or cut it too short. Make sure your shoes are dry and that air can properly circulate around your feet. When using a public shower or public pool, wear shower sandals or shower shoes to help protect your feet and nails.


Follow basic foot care recommendations to help avoid fungal infections. If you are suffering from fungal toenails, call us to schedule an appointment.